
TechBreakdowns is an independent publication launched in November 2023 by Ash Anderson. On TechBreakdowns, you'll find coverage from the intersections of business and technology.

As the name implies, there will be breakdowns of tech companies. What do these companies do? Who do they do it for? How do they make money doing it?

"Tech" is huge. The focus of TechBreakdowns will largely be Fintech, but we will branch out from time-to-time (hello, Rocket Lab), and will likely branch out more as the publication grows.

From June 2024 onwards, content will be largely defined by monthly themes. June 2024, for example, is "payments." We will break down a number of players in that segment, and highlight how payments as a whole operates. From there, we'll pivot into new themes each month.

A theme, while typically a sector or segment of the investment world, might focus on a single company where there's a great story to tell. Check back monthly to see what we're covering, or subscribe to our newsletter to get the updates.